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Hedgehogs - Reception/Year 1

Welcome to the Hedgehogs class page!




This half term, the Reception children will be learning all about Autumn, and will be exploring an 'All About Me' topic, while they settle in to life at school!

In Phonics we will be identifying the sounds that we can hear in words and beginning to develop our skills in segmenting in blending. The children will be practising the Prime areas of learning, exploring a range of activities focussed on developing their fine motor skills, communication skills and social skills. As part of their Autumn topic, we will be exploring the changes in the seasons, how the natural world around us changes, and thinking about the changes we make to the clothes we wear and the activities we do. In maths, we will be starting with small numbers, exploring how we can build and rearrange them using practical objects.


Mrs Banner x


Some information about phonics knowledge taught in Reception

In Reception the children learn through a combination of adult led learning, and child led learning which takes place through the children exploring and playing in the classroom environment. The provision both inside and outside is carefully planned to target all the areas of learning in the Early Years curriculum, and the adults in class know all the ways to extend the children in their learning so that they make good progress. The expected level of development for the end of the Reception year is for the children to achieve the Early Learning Goals in each of the areas of development. These are provided below on a one page document.

Year 1


Curriculum Overview – Autumn Term 2023



This term children will be writing to entertain through writing a narrative based on 'Little Red Riding Hood', by Lari Don as well as becoming poets taking inspiration as we lead up to Guy Fawkes Night! In addition the children will learn to create a recount as we learn about toys from the past.


We will also be continuing to work hard on our handwriting and spelling, following the Year 1 statutory spelling lists as well as our phonics scheme (see below for more information).


Children will read daily in school as part of our whole class reading lessons, during our phonics lessons and as part of independent reading.


Phonics is taught using the Sounds-Write scheme and is a focus for our writing and reading, alongside our English and comprehension lessons.



This term children will focus on:

  • Place Value
  • Addition and Subtraction


Children will regularly explore problem solving and reasoning through a mastery Maths approach as well as regularly recapping and practising fluency skills.



The children will be learning all about the human body as well as the animals in our environment and what they need to survive.



The children will be looking at the specifics of what the study of History is all about.



Looking at our local area, the children will be studying geographical features around us.



This term we will be focusing on the fundamentals of Colour and Line.



This term we will be using PurpleMash to support our learning journey of how to search safely, how to understand basic programming and how to use technology outside of school. In addition, we will continue to talk about managing risks and staying safe when using the internet.



This term the children will be using Music Express focusing on the themes of Ourselves, Number, Animals and Weather.



This term children will be exploring Judaism, looking closely at the question: 

Why is learning to do a good deed so important to Jewish people?

In addition the children will be exploring Christianity, posing the question: 

Why is belonging to God and the church family important to Christians?



Home Learning

Home learning consists of spellings linked to our Sounds-Write phonics for the week, as well as daily reading and an additional basic skills task. Please ensure that you support your child by reading with them at least 4 times a week. Books are changed weekly – the children will bring home 2 books. One which directly relates to our Phonics Scheme and one which relates to their reading age.

Spellings as well as the additional work to support the development of your child’s basic skills will be sent home every Friday.



For P.E. we would advise children to wear their outdoor P.E. kit (including trainers) to be prepared for any weather. Regular P.E. sessions with a coach are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This term we will be focusing on the fundamentals of games, dance and gymnastics.



In PSHE we will be learning about beginnings, belongings, our emotions and anti-bullying.
