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Holme Church of England

Primary Academy

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Online Safety


E- Safety in Our School


As part of our fully rounded approach to Safeguarding, we ensure that our children receive high quality teaching and learning about Online Safety. We follow the Cambridgeshire PSHE Curriculum which has core content for all year groups around this important matter.


Online Safety is an important part of the way in which we safeguard all of the children in our care. Through a thorough PSHE (personal, social, health education) curriculum, we teach the children not only how to stay safe online in school, but at home also. We also recognise that increasingly, children are accessing the internet, social media and gaming through a range of devices and so we teach them about this also.


Each class completes a class charter which details their responsibilities when they are using school equipment to access the internet and this includes: only using approved websites, how to complete a 'safe search' and the protocols around not sharing passwords for example.  We also ask that parents support the school by discussing this with their children and home and by signing and returning an Acceptable User Agreement.


We conduct surveys in school  as part of our 'healthcheck' regarding Online Safety and communicate this to parents.


There are planned opportunities for parents to attend E-Safety workshops led by the Cambridgeshire ICT services and the school works with its cluster of local primary schools and secondary schools also on this important aspect of children's safety.


Please find below some useful links for parents which may help inform you about the issues your children are facing in this increasingly digital world.

Please use this internal link which will take you to our safeguarding page where you can find more information about the school's approach including policies as well as helpful information for parents.


If you would like to speak to the school, in confidence, about any issues related to Online Safety, please contact the school office by email:

Threats to Schools


Occasionally, schools throughout the UK receive threats via email from unknown sources. Unfortunately, the frequency of these threats, which have been found to be hoaxes, has increased in recent months.


All threats are taken seriously, and the school has well-rehearsed procedures for such occasions, such as checking the premises thoroughly, as well as informing the police and the local authority.


Across the country, the vast majority of such threats turn out to be hoaxes, but, in the highly unlikely event that we were to find any evidence that the threat may be genuine, we would evacuate the school immediately and notify the police.


Please be assured that the safety of your children is our foremost priority at all times.
