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Holme Church of England

Primary Academy

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Relationships and Sex Education

Our Personal Social and Health Education Curriculum

We aim to provide a strong and caring atmosphere where moral and spiritual values are developed throughout the whole curriculum. We believe that by developing the ‘whole person’ we will enable individuals to lead a rewarding, satisfying and fulfilling life. Personal, Social ,Health  and Economic Education and Citizenship, provides the opportunity for all members of the school community to explore and understand their relationship to themselves, others and to the world we live in.


At Holme Church of England Primary Academy we teach PSHE and Citizenship through 3 strands of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Through all 3 key stages, the areas for study are:

  1. Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities.
  2. Preparing to play an active role as citizens.
  3. Developing a healthy safe lifestyle
  4. Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people.

Our teaching follows the Cambridgeshire PSHE and Citizenship Scheme of Work, which reflects the above strands.


Due to our mixed age classes we run a 2- year rolling program covering topics such as:

-Emotional wellbeing

-Healthy choices

-Relationships and Sex education

-Drug education

-Personal safety including e-safety and bullying


-Economic wellbeing


In addition to these weekly sessions we also plan in enrichment activities to raise the profile of key areas we feel our pupils need to develop. In a usual academic year, these have included;

-Sessions on healthy eating and fitness.

-Safer cycling course for our oldest pupils.

-Lunchtime and after school clubs to develop confidence and friendships.


Our eldest pupils go on residential visits to Holt Hall in Norfolk/ The Frontier Centre in Irthingborough. These visits are always chosen for their personal development opportunities as well as educational experiences. These are often where we see the biggest leaps of confidence!


Changes to the Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum

Nationally, there has been recent changes to the statutory Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum. We have always taught these new aspects throughout the school from Reception to Year 6. Please see below for the progression of content:



I understand that this aspect of education can be sensitive and controversial. Hopefully, the information above has clearly set out for you when different content is taught and the focus we place on the relationships aspect of this work.


Our Relationships and Sex Education Policy Consultation

Over the past half-term we have been reviewing our Relationships and Sex Education Policy with staff and parents.

Thank you to those of you who returned the questionnaires and attended the parent focus group. Having input from families is very important to us. It is useful for us to know how we can best work together to support the children with this important aspect of their education.


Key points we have taken from this:

*Make the context of these sessions clear in our PSHE provision.

* Share the day of the week the sessions are taking place with parents.

*Share the topic and language used with parents.

* Provide support for parents with how to answer children’s questions in an age-appropriate way.

*Signpost useful books to parents.

* Inform parents about our preparation for these sessions.

*Ensure the key messages of personal safety are understood by all children.

*Ensure the foundations of consent (choice to take part in an activity) are reinforced in all aspects of school life.


Preparing for the RSE sessions

*The KS2 teachers have attended county CPD sessions.

*All staff attended a meeting led by Mrs Thomas for Holme and Stilton Staff to recap the key principles of quality RSE.  Guidance for answering questions and using vocabulary was shared.

*We use the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Planner for all aspects of our PSHE teaching. These include detailed lesson plans and links to resources.

*All classes had a session to establish the ground rules for these senistive lessons.
