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Holme Church of England

Primary Academy

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety is an important part of our safeguarding duty in school. We take the upmost care and attention to this aspect of your child's experience in school and also in their time outside of school when they attend educational visits for example.


Our school has regular Health and Safety reviews, safety checks of equipment, resources as well as reviews of risk assessments.


DEMATs Health & Safety procedure/statement which has been written to cover The Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trusts Schools Academies and Shared Services, can be found via the following link: where you will find a detailed explanation of the Trustees responsibilities, delegated duties and expectations of staff, governors and volunteers. 


Health and Safety - Diocese of Ely Multi-Academy Trust

The DEMAT board of trustees as the employer, has overall responsibility for health and safety in schools, but tasks are delegated to the Executive and also to the school leaders.


Please see details below of our Health and Safety statement.

If you have any questions or concerns in relation to Health and Safety, please contact the Health and Safety Lead/Governor responsible for the Health and Safety at the school in the first instance (contact details below). If you require additional support, or wish to raise questions or concerns with The Trust, please contact The Trust Health and Safety Officer (contact details below).


School Health and Safety Leads persons details are:

Mrs Clara King or

Mrs Charlene Ferrara or

Mr Kevin Adcock email, or telephone 01487 830342.


Governor responsible for Health and Safety is: Mr Iain Fairlie



Trusts Health and Safety Officer details are:

Joanne Patterson email , telephone 01353 656760 or 07530 748066.
