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Holme Church of England

Primary Academy

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Religious Education

On why children like learning RE in our school (March 2018)


I like RE because I like hearing about the other places of worship; they have differences and similarities. (Yr 1)

It makes me want to be more tolerant and think about British Values. I normally think about Democracy and Tolerance; these are the main ones for me. (Yr 2)

RE makes me think about knowing how Jesus died on the cross to save us. (Yr 1)

We learn new things; for me it’s calming. I like to know things about other religions. I have learnt to be more understanding of others and this has made me a better person. (Yr 6)

It is not just  like Maths and Literacy . Faith is a colourful thing and it's good to learn about it because some people might not have learnt about others and have not learnt how to tolerate others.  You learn how to be tolerant. I have learnt to be more reflective.(Yr5)

I like RE because it teaches people how to tolerate other faiths and it makes sure that you don’t bully them. (Yr 6)

