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A message from Rev Dyball

Wednesday 17th of June 2020


Hello Children, 
How many of you are enjoying your garden? I have seen a lot more birds and even some hedgehogs (sadly not the Holme school hedgehogs) in the past few days. It's been fun watching them, especially the little ones.
This Sunday (21st) we have a special service led by and with contributions from children from across the area, including children from the school. We have some special craft activities and have some craft packs we would love to share with you (most suitable for pre-school and primary ages but all ages can enjoy). If you would like a craft pack, please can you ask a grownup to let me know by completing this request form, that way we can make sure we have enough. You can collect your pack from outside your chosen church building on Saturday (20th) between 2-4 pm. 
The crafts included in the pack could be done on Sunday whilst joining in with the service (Zoom link here: password 1310) or at another time if you would prefer. 
We are really looking forward to the service and hope you enjoy your pack!
Every Blessing,


Reverend Becky Dyball 
Friday 5th of June 2020
Hello children, 
Wow you are really good creating brilliant prayers! Thank you to those who have sent me recordings of you saying prayers and saying the Lord's Prayer. 
I have received a few requests to move the children led service so more people can be involved and I am delighted to let you know the service will now take place on the 21st June, on zoom
I would LOVE to have as many recordings as possible so please keep sending them in along with the permissions letter which you can find linked with the previous letter from me. 
Thank you for being so generous with your time and sharing your prayers. If you would prefer to write a prayer rather than record it please do, the more the merrier. 
Every blessing,

Wednesday 20th May 2020


Hello Children, 

Oh how I miss seeing your lovely faces. I am writing to see if any of you would like to be involved in a VERY SPECIAL child led Sunday Morning Service. Taking place on Sunday 7th June at 10:30am. 
We will be 'taking over' the 10:30 am Sunday morning service and I would love as many children/young people as possible to be involved from across the different congregations/ schools to be involved. 
An easy way to get involved is to record yourself or get a grownup to record you saying a thank you prayer for example you could say "Lord Jesus thank you for......" and you could list or film, draw, create a few things you are grateful for. For example in you could stand in front of your fridge and say thank you for food and/or  in your garden or on a walk and say thank you for your favourite things in nature, you could dance or show us your pets.... or record yourself on the Thursday key worker clap and whilst clapping say thank you for Keywords, or you could quickly light a candle and say thank you for your family or for the people you miss at the moment.
You can do it as individuals or as a family. It doesn't need to be long and you can say it however feels comfortable for you, if you can speak so we can definitely hear you that would be great. 
My aim will be do compile as many as possible to include in our service. 
The other prayer I would really like your help with is the Lords Prayer.   Could you record yourself saying the Lord's Prayer:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

You can say it anywhere, kneeling, eyes closed, playing football, up a tree, sliding down a slide playing with toys and I will edit as many as I can together so you are all saying different parts and merging together for a big amen. if you are a bit younger and reading it would be hard or remembering it, perhaps you could just learn and say one or two of the lines. I hope to have something similar to this...(but not as fancy) 
☺ Important information ☺:
If using a phone please record landscape and if grown ups could send the recordings to me via email ( by the 1st June and include the completed permission form (blank form attached) I would be very grateful.   
Every blessing,







Thursday 30th April 2020


Hello Children,


What wet weather we have had the last few days, it makes it a bit harder to play outside but is brilliant for the crops in the fields and gardens. Our neighbours have a duck pond and they are always extra noisy in this weather which always makes me smile….I wonder what they are saying to each other?


I have some great news. The brilliant Rend Collective have created some worship resources for you to look at whilst at home. They have some brilliant ones but two of my favourites are around the meaning behind the songs; King of Me and My Lighthouse.  They include some links to clips, activities to complete, some questions to think around and a prayer to say.


You can find both of them at the bottom of this letter. However if you would like to have a giggle and watch me be silly with actions for King of Me in a crocodile onesie you need to check this out


I am sure you can come up with much better actions that me! How about practicing them and with your parent’s permission (I’ll need that in writing on the email) and help record yourself doing the actions and send them to me - If I get enough I will put them together to the music and we can asked Mrs Thomas if we can put it on the school website.


It’s great to be reminded that our Big God is with us and little people can do mighty things! You are awesome! if you haven’t heard that recently perhaps look in a mirror and remind yourself. You are Awesome!


May you know how brilliant you are, how special you are and what a gift you are to so many. 


May the lord bless you and all your family,


Every blessing,






Monday 20th of April


Hello children,

I hope you all had an opportunity to enjoy your Easter break, did any of you make an Easter garden? If you have any photos I would love to see them. During Holy Week we held some very special services online using zoom and had over 150 people joining us on Easter Sunday as we celebrated the light and hope of Jesus. We sang lots of songs, prayed together and had people joining from all over the country. I am very grateful for the technology that allows us to be church together, one of our older congregation members who is 90 years old! joined us singing along and making the crafts. Did you hear this message from the Queen? I loved what she says about Jesus as light.

We are still in a very unusual space aren’t we? and I know from speaking to some of you, that you are a bit worried. If you do want to talk to me or perhaps someone else in your family would like to talk please do get in touch (my details are below).



Did you know that in the last few weeks ‘prayer’ has become one of the top goggled words! Prayer is really important and I am really pleased we took time in our wellbeing day at the start of last term to think more about it. You may know someone who is unwell, and I know you are missing seeing your friends and other people that you love.  The good thing is that we can talk to God about anything and share our worries in prayer. Perhaps you could write a prayer and send it to me? Or perhaps you would like to say one of the prayers below. You can also find some instructions for creative and interactive prayers to create at home here. Remember prayer can be said anywhere, anytime and in any way, and in the Bible it says:   ‘Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and request with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God’. Philippians 4:6 


May you know God’s blessing at the start of this new term - in your learning and play, in your rest and exercise and in your homes and all your families.

Every blessing,

Reverend Becky


A prayer for when a friend is ill

Dear God, (name of friend) is ill.

They are not allowed to go to school or come over to play.

I’m sad because I miss them.

They must be feeling miserable and lonely as well.

Please be close to them.

Please be with the people who are looking after them.

Please help them to get better and to know that you love them.



A prayer for the world

God of love and hope,

you made the world and care for all creation,

but the world feels strange right now.

The news is full of stories about Coronavirus.

Some people are worried that they might get ill.

Others are anxious for their family and friends.

Be with them and help them to find peace.

We pray for the doctors and nurses and scientists,

and all who are working to discover the right medicines

to help those who are ill.

Thank you that even in these anxious times,

you are with us.

Help us to put our trust in you and keep us safe.



Revd. Becky’s Contact details:


Mobile: 07444 574039

Office: 01487506217


Monday 6th April 2020


Hello Children, 
I could hear children playing whilst sat in my garden today and it reminded me of your joyful noise in the playground. I spent some time praying for each class, the teachers, the support staff and everyone else at the school. What a brilliant bunch you all are. 
This Sunday is Palm Sunday and that start Holy Week as we journey towards Good Friday and Easter. Noah and I have made a YouTube film about how to make an Easter Garden and we would encourage you to make one and use it in this special week to think about what Easter really means. 
There is also a really great film made by some children a few years ago which tells the Easter story. I think you would really enjoy it, you can find it on YouTube here.
As a church we have been thinking really hard about how to help families and children enjoy learning more about the Easter story and I am delighted to tell you that at 3pm on Good Friday (9th April) we are hosting a Messy Easter Online using zoom. It is going to be great fun and you can join us using this link You will be able to see what you need to really get stuck in at, that is also the place to go for services online and other resources. 
Now I know how much you enjoy Rend Collective songs and how much you LOVE the song Resurrection Day  this is a perfect song for Easter Sunday why not sing it loud and proud, teach all your family. 
"Because You're risen I can rise, Because You're living I’m alive, Because Your cross is powerful, Because You rose invincible, I can get up off the floor"
Remember God loves you more than you can possibly imagine, you are treasured, you are special and I thank God for each and every one of you. 
Every blessing,

Monday 30th March 2020


Hello Children, 

I have been thinking of you often and praying for you each day, I hope you are staying safe, enjoying learning, having fun and helping your grownups.
How are you getting on with the new action song? It's very catchy isn't it!  We had a great service on line on Sunday and sang My lighthouse with the actions, it was new to some people but everyone got involved and enjoyed it as much you do. 
Next week is Holy Week and the final part of our journey to Easter. I have found a great book and you can hear me reading it on youtube here. I have also found some activity pages linked to this special book which you can find at the bottom this page. 
Sadly due to copyright issues I am not able to record me singing a blessing over you but please know these words are being sung over you and your families each and every day.
The Lord bless you,
The Lord keep you,
The light of His face shine upon you.
The Lord bless you,
The Lord keep you,
The light of His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you,
and be gracious to you,
May He turn his face to you
and bring you peace,
May He turn his face to you
and bring you peace.
Stay safe, know you are loved and that where ever you are, whatever is happening, you can talk to God. 
Every blessing,
Reverend Becky 
Hello Children, 
I hope you and your families are doing well. 
I have missed doing collective worship with you all and have been looking at some more fun action songs for us to enjoy worshipping God together when we go back to the classrooms. 
From the same people that brought us My Lighthouse (Rend Collective) we have some more brilliant worship songs to try. The first is called Not Afraid. It has some great actions which you will see in the clip and I know you will all enjoy it.
Another great worship song we will be using is King of Me it talks about some very familiar bible stories like David and Goliath and Jonah and the whale. 
With both of these worship songs we hear about a God who is bigger than any fear, can hold any of our worries  and loves us way more than we often understand. They are also very catchy and think you will be humming them all day :-)
This Sunday 
As we can't meet together in church buildings at present the church family of St. Giles, St. Nicholas and All Saints' are meeting online on Sundays at 10:30am. You can join us on Zoom by using this link and to play along with our service challenge you will need 60 pieces of lego of any variety, shape and colour or play dough, clay or plasticine. We will be sharing Holy Communion, hear from the bible, prayer and sing including My Lighthouse! 
Every blessing, 
Revd. Becky 